Thursday 24 March 2011

Introducing Midweek Mingle

Welcome to the Midweek Mingle.  A brand new networking event in Wincanton for professional women.  We are to open our doors at 7.30 on Wednesday (well, what other day would you have a midweek mingle?) 13th April in the Red Lion Cafe Bar, entry is £5 excluding drinks purchased. 

Midweek Mingle has been born following my experiences of networking as a self employed female and is different from other groups because;

A/ It's not a budget blower!  At this moment in time there is no joining fee and the entry will not increase above £5.  (A joining fee will be introduced at a later date but not to women who already network at the mingle.)

B/ You will not turn up, have 15 minutes to introduce yourself to people, have somebody talk at you for an hour then go home!!!  The evening is about networking, building relationships with local colleagues, getting to know eachother, talking.  I don't know about you but I have often found evenings of educational/inspirational talks not the most productive use of my time so the main focus of the evening will be mingling.

C/ It's informal.  Please, if you want to wear jeans, then wear jeans. 

D/ It's not a closed group, there will be different women for you to meet all the time. 

There you have it.  Feel free to comment below on how else you feel networking should be done and I will do what I can to accomodate.... It is your group! 

If you operate as a sole trader, partnership, Ltd company, run a retail outlet, internet business, SME, are responsible for promoting the business you work for, have an interest in the family business yaddee yadde ya call me on 07872075564 or email to to book your spot. 

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